- Odds and Ends -

A fun little "side project" we recently designed for Paul Stanley of KISS: His friend in Uruguay, who is the owner of the Yellow Rose Vinyards in Punta del Este produced a limited run of Pinot Noir wine for Paul’s personal Stanley Family Reserve for which we designed the label featuring one of Paul's paintings. It was packaged in a beautiful 3-bottle box and gifted to his friends.



DEF LEPPARD | The Definitive Visual History
YEAH! Tour Program


Chronicle Books
Live Nation Merchandising

Book Design
About This Project

Following the successful collaboration with photographer Ross Halfin on ‘The Ultimate METALLICA’ coffee table book, Chronicle Books approached us once again and offered to publish an extended photo book on Sheffield’s best, Def Leppard. Like with the aforementioned pioneers of Thrash Metal, Ross started photographing the ‘Leps’ early on in their career, right around 1979. This gave us the opportunity to truly chronicle the visual history of the band, from playing high-school gymnasiums to the biggest arenas in the world. The book is also filled with lots of cool ephemera and other important historic visuals.


The tour program also features all Halfin photos and is stylistically leaning on the album ‘YEAH!’ which you can view in the DL Packaging section.