- Odds and Ends -

A fun little "side project" we recently designed for Paul Stanley of KISS: His friend in Uruguay, who is the owner of the Yellow Rose Vinyards in Punta del Este produced a limited run of Pinot Noir wine for Paul’s personal Stanley Family Reserve for which we designed the label featuring one of Paul's paintings. It was packaged in a beautiful 3-bottle box and gifted to his friends.



ETTA JAMES | The Chess Box Set


Chess Records / MCA Records

About This Project

Whether or not it’s possible to distill the work of a singer like Etta James down to three CDs, this is a nice collection of Etta’s best work all in one place.

A 40-page booklet comes in a handsomely presented box, which contains a wealth of pictures, quotes, and perspectives that do much to illuminate what made James’s 16-year period at Chess Records so special.