- Odds and Ends -

A fun little "side project" we recently designed for Paul Stanley of KISS: His friend in Uruguay, who is the owner of the Yellow Rose Vinyards in Punta del Este produced a limited run of Pinot Noir wine for Paul’s personal Stanley Family Reserve for which we designed the label featuring one of Paul's paintings. It was packaged in a beautiful 3-bottle box and gifted to his friends.

100 Covers

While planning and designing our new website, we edited our body of work of 25 years down to our most definitive projects. This was difficult. Yet it also felt liberating. It was surprising to realize how many projects we have done, some that we had completely forgotten about. However, we have designed so many album covers that we felt it would be fun to showcase 100 of them on one page. You will see designs that are familiar, some that were barely out there in the public, and some which were ‘rejects’ for one reason or another. Enjoy!